Who should be invited to the bridal shower? A bridal shower can be just a women’s event or can be co-ed. It is up to the bride ultimately and whoever is hosting the shower should check with the bride. Typically the bride will invite all the women who are invited to the wedding, as well as the bridesmaids, mothers, and grandmothers.
Where should be the location of the bridal shower? Typically the shower is held at the house of the maid of honor, or at a restaurant. Again, the host should check with the bride to see what is most convenient for guests and family. Some showers are long distance, where everyone meets without the guest of honor who may be in another location. The guests call the bride and describe the gifts and then wrap them up to await the brides arrival before the wedding. If the bridal shower is to be held at a restaurant, previous arrangements should be made with guests about payment, and with the restaurant for reservations.
Should you request an RSVP for the bridal shower? It depends on the type of party and type of setting. If it is important to have an accurate head count for the caterer, and RSVP is necessary. If it is more casual type of shower, RSVP may not be needed. This is completely up to the host.
When should the bridal shower be held? Bridal showers are typically held two weeks before the wedding. However, with people having to travel long distances, it is sometime more convenient to have the shower a day or two before the wedding so everyone is able to attend. Having the bridal shower sometime before the wedding gives the bride and bridesmaids more time to prepare the week before the wedding.
What is the theme? There are lots of themes for bridal showers. And invitations can be made to incorporate any of these themes. Whether it be lingerie, kitchen, hardware, there are invitations to coordinate with any theme. The theme of the invitation should also reflect the style and personality of the bride.
For the maid of honor, the bridal shower can be the biggest task before the wedding. All these factors are very important when choosing invitations for the bridal shower. Choosing the right bridal shower invitations that coordinate with the theme, and sending them at the right time is a great way to start a perfect bridal shower. And choosing all the right information to include in the invitation is just as important. And sending them to the right people will make the bride happy.
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