You get there on your own, present your paid license and in a few short moments you’ll be in front of a person licensed to perform wedding services in Las Vegas that are recognized around the world. Not exactly the wedding of your dreams but for $40.00 and the price of the license what did you expect. Go for another $60.00 and they’ll throw in a limousine ride back to your hotel, a few photos taken with a disposable film camera that you’ll get developed on your own, a bouquet of flowers and a boutonnière for the groom.
It really doesn’t get any cheaper than that and you’ll have more than just your memory of the event to take home and share with friends and family. Getting married on the cheap in any other city but Las Vegas would be, well, tacky. But cheap Las Vegas weddings have been turned into an art form, unequaled in any other city in the world. Anybody can spend a lot of money, but doing a fun wedding and reception on the cheap shows real talent!
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