So golf umbrellas are bigger and the size is actually around 60-65 inches, which is just about 150-165 centimeters. Some a little smaller and you can also find some around 70 inches. Those are like having a tent, you are very well protected from rain. The big sizes of golf umbrellas are necessary as a golfer has to take care of a number of things and if possible also protect the golf bag.
If you have watched the professional golfers playing in rain you have probably also noticed that the player use big golf umbrellas. The caddie has no umbrella and on rare occasions you can see the caddie holding the umbrella for the pro. That seem to be the only time a caddie can get out of the rain. Of course it is important to protect the player, she or he is the one making money for them both.
On the first tee of a golf round up in Virginia it started to come short showers of rain. I simply had to buy a new umbrella and choose one with a dual canopy. A dual canopy has, as the name would suggest, a dual canopy design, this feature allows for any wind to blow through the umbrella while water will still run off of it.
By making the top half of the bottom canopy out of a mesh material and then putting a second shell that covers the mesh and runs about two inches past the seam, the rain will not come through the vented area. This is especially important when you take into account the size of the umbrella when opened. This will easily cover you and your bag.
How is that size possible without the thing weighing a ton? With a fiberglass shaft and spreaders, the umbrella is lightweight and lightning resistant. A push button opening mechanism makes it easy to open the umbrella with one hand. Most golf umbrellas I´ve had don´t use push button techniques simply because there is one more thing that can fail.
A golf umbrella will keep you dry for a full round of golf. If it wasn´t for the fact that you have to hit the ball from time to time. You will also get wet from walking in the grass, not to talk about lost balls in the ruff! There are times when a player just have to find the ball himself.
Golf umbrellas with the double canopy works great even when the wind pickes up a little bit. You will not fly away even it the size is really big. Some golf umbrellas now have a ergonomic handle which cut down on fatigue from carrying it. The hand stays in a natural position. Thanks to the lightweight materials used in the construction, you can carry the umbrella without having it affect your swing due to muscle fatigue.
One drawback can be mentioned with the golf umbrellas in general. The the size of it, while you want to have as much of yourself and your bag covered, when closed, the umbrella will protrude a good bit from your bag when it is not being used. This can make loading and unloading the bag a little difficult from your car. When it has been in use you should not have it in your bag. The umbrella will get dry much faster if you can unfold it and just give it some time.
A golf umbrella is great for anyone to use, it is large enough for two people to stay dry. The dual canopy will keep the umbrella from turning inside out in higher winds while not sacrificing any coverage.
Choose your umbrella with care and you can have it for many years. The one I bought in Virgina is seven years now, still working great but the looks is not the best. I don´t care, I´m on the course to play golf.
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